

  • Introduction Video

    Welcome to the Sensemaking in NGSS Assessments InnerOrbit Academy course! In this self-paced 2-hour course, you will explore the role of sensemaking in NGSS summative assessments. You will learn about InnerOrbit’s 3 criteria for sensemaking and apply these criteria to sample NGSS assessments.

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Activity 1: Explore

  • Activity 1 instructions

    In this section, you will first WATCH an introduction video. You will then TURN IN a short Google Form where you explore sample science assessments. Finally, you will WATCH a wrap-up video to conclude the activity.

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  • TURN IN: Assessment Exploration Google Form

    EXPLORE the difference between these two questions and why that difference is important

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  • Activity 1 Wrap-up Video

    Please watch the 2 minute video to conclude Activity 1.

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Activity 2: Read

    Activity 3: Analyze
