Sensemaking in NGSS Assessment

Activity 1: Let's Explore!


In this section, you will first WATCH an introduction video. You will then SUBMIT a short Google Form where you explore sample science assessments. Finally, you will WATCH a wrap-up video to conclude the activity.

Activity 1 Steps:

1. Instructions – WATCH the 3 min video below (for pdf version of video with speaker notes, see this attached file.)

2. Assessment Exploration – CLICK the blue “Assessment Exploration” button to access the google form & SUBMIT!

3. Wrap-up – WATCH the 2 min video at bottom of page.

Assessment Exploration

EXPLORE the differences between these two questions and why those differences are important (CLICK the button below for Google Form).

SUBMIT the Google Form when done and PROCEED to the wrap-up video below.


Please WATCH the video below* (2 min) to conclude Activity 1. Then, CLICK “Continue to Activity 2” button at the very bottom of the page.

*For a pdf version of the video with speaker notes, see this file.